Learn how Tychon debunks these common myths that cause nonprofits to ignore cybersecurity and how Tychon can help you take simple steps to begin protecting your organization today!
Myth #1: I’m so small I don’t need to worry about cybersecurity.
Even the smallest nonprofit organizations are potential cyber targets. Hackers have methods to monetize all stored data (emails, phone numbers, etc.) and use it to orchestrate an attack on your network.
Myth #2: My nonprofit doesn’t store credit card data, so I don’t need cybersecurity.
All types of data can be exploited either to infiltrate your own network or serve as a gateway to larger targets. Imagine a hacker gets your personal information. They can use a spoof of your information to send phishing emails to your contacts under the guise of your organization to exploit these more lucrative sources.
Myth #3: I have insurance, so I don’t need cybersecurity.
Insurance companies are increasing premiums while lowering coverage, and many now require at least some basic cyber security precautions. In addition, insurance coverage often excludes nation-state or acts of war losses. Lastly, while financial losses can be recovered, the damage to an organization’s reputation in the eyes of partners and donors may never be undone.
Myth #4: I just don’t have the budget for cybersecurity right now.
There are numerous steps nonprofit organizations can take to improve cybersecurity with little to no cost. Begin by patching your systems. Vendors release patches for free. Make sure your systems are up to date. In addition, there are free government resources for security training, including but not limited to:
- CISA (general) – plus K-12 Security Guide
- DISA (general)
- DoD Cyber Exchange (general) – plus Phishing and Social Engineering Training
Myth #5: I’m not a cybersecurity expert. This will be too complicated.
For nonprofit organizations, there are methods to steadily improve your cybersecurity without having to spend lots of money up front on complicated and flashy products.
- Train your Users – Focus first on educating all your end users on cyber hygiene basics, like anti-phishing and social engineering attacks.
- Establish Good Practices – Enable multi-factor authentication, eliminate multi-use resources, and establish organizational cybersecurity policies.
- Patch & Update – Ensure all resources are patched and up to date, which includes a method to continually monitor and assess moving forward.
- Anti-Virus Software – Invest in basic anti-virus software to protect your network from obvious risks.
- Incident Response Solutions – Once these steps are complete, look into more advanced Incident Response tools, like TYCHON, to streamline your cybersecurity policies, patching, and more to ensure complete protection for your organization.
Want to learn more about this topic and other nonprofit cybersecurity options: