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It seems like every couple years the government releases another federal compliance regulation and everyone has to scramble to figure out how to capture the data, report the data, and if you’re real good, do something about the data that you collected. For example, the government recently mandated compliance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 252.204, but because resources are limited, preparation to comply is behind and now agencies must rush to implement the controls and reporting necessary to satisfy this new regulation.

To address this constantly changing environment, users need a stable and robust platform to quickly identify, report, and remediate new controls. This platform must provide a means to quickly disseminate and customize checks, as well as the means to report the data. However, it must also be efficient and low maintenance as resources continue to become more constrained within Information Assurance, Information Technology, and Cybersecurity divisions.

So, what to do about this problem? Integrating TYCHON into your existing endpoint security solution provides the platform to meets these demands. TYCHON centralizes your tools, which keeps maintenance costs low and is more effective and efficient in identifying and remediating systems. Also, TYCHON exposes a wide range of capabilities from natural language questions to automated inquiries and reporting. New packages and content are easily distributed and custom content is simple to create.

Once the data is collected, it can be fed into other platforms and used to take action. For example, if you identify a system that is significantly deficient in meeting a large number of security controls and poses a risk to the network, you can use TYCHON to isolate and remediate the system, while simultaneously notifying the end user all from one interface.

Because the platform is robust, as the needs of your organization change you can customize the tool to meet those new demands. The power of TYCHON is its ability to adapt and fill the gaps left behind by other tools, while bridging those tools into capabilities. These elements help drive your team’s ability to answer the call when that next requirement comes in and you have even less time to respond.